Wednesday 10 April 2019

Pt England Ambassadors @ MIT - 2019

Today Garth and I took the 2019 year 6 Ambassadors to MIT. Their job was to present to a group of training teachers and show them how they learn from day to day. These training teachers were blown away by the way our Ambassadors were able to talk about their learning, and do so with such confidence. Some of my reminders/takeaways from their presentation was:

  • our children are hooking into learning because of a real audience
  • they are passionate learners
  • our children are learning in a VERY different way to other learners in other schools
  • if you give our children a stage, they take it with two hands! Our children lifted hugely in their presentation because of the large crowd today and they lifted more when the crowd were responsive
After the Ambassadors' presentation I was then given the opportunity to stay and discuss further the way in which we teach and learn at Pt England school. I was impressed with the openness of the training teachers and the passion with which they talked about teaching and learning. The things that stuck out for them was:
  • why we teach with digital devices (see photo below)
  • why it's important to rewind what we teach
  • the importance of connecting with our children and then connecting them with a real audience
  • have fun!

1 comment:

  1. hi mr somerville i like how you do your wrok
    from zohaidah.
